Program Design,
and Research


We help people, communities and organisations to design, implement, and evaluate projects and programs.

Our team works with a broad range of clients including government, NGOs, academia and the private sector in Australia and worldwide. We facilitate collaborative and inclusive processes to achieve positive outcomes.


Hau Meni: What’s in a name?

Hau Meni means sandalwood (Santalum album) in the Meto language which is spoken in the Timor-Leste exclave of Oecusse-Ambeno and in the surrounding region of Indonesian West Timor. Bu, Ingvar and Gillian have all lived and worked in Oecusse. The wealth to be made from sandalwood is what originally brought Europeans and Chinese to the island of Timor hundreds of years ago.

Most mature stands of Hau Meni have long been stripped from the island but it is a resilient tree that keeps coming back and there are now concerted efforts to re-establish a sandalwood industry in Timor-Leste. The spoken word “Hau Meni” sounds like the English “How Many?” which is of course a significant question within monitoring and evaluation …