What we do


We can help you at every stage of the program cycle, from concept development to end of program evaluation.

We can also come in for discrete pieces of work, adding surge capacity to your organisation. Our consultants are experienced in partnership brokering and facilitating participatory processes that generate outcomes that are inclusive and fit for purpose.

A good program design reflects the development needs and aspirations of the community and stakeholders it is intended to serve. Inclusive design builds on effective partnership brokering and extensive stakeholder involvement. Our consultants are experienced in facilitating inclusive design processes in cross-cultural contexts and working with a broad range of stakeholders, from subsistence farmers in remote villages to senior policy makers in capital cities.


We have extensive experience in developing concept notes and writing funding proposals.

Our consultants have successfully developed funding proposals for various donors including the European Commission, USAID, DFAT (Australian Government) and MFAT (NZ Government). Proposals are grounded in a thorough contextual analysis and a rigorous understanding of donor priorities.

Our team has a depth of experience in participatory development of M&E frameworks in a range of sectors; as well as the development of project baselines.

Monitoring and evaluation plans, and frameworks should facilitate effective program implementation and generate data that allows for reflection and learning to inform ongoing improvement.  We are knowledgeable about the M&E requirements of a range of donors.


Our consultants have extensive research experience across a wide range of areas.

This includes climate and disaster resilience, ending violence against women, community policing, governance, indigenous community development, education, transitional justice, access to justice, and water and sanitation.

We can provide research design advice and targeted research services for stand-alone pieces or to provide an in-depth evidence base and analysis as part a broader development initiative. We are also highly experienced in donor reporting and quality assurance.
Program reviews and evaluations are an opportunity to delve deeper into how a program is performing against intended outcomes, or its longer term impact. It is also an opportunity to validate the theory of change. Evaluation is not just a process of generating an independent report to verify program outcomes, it is also an opportunity for professional development and capacity building of program staff. Our team can facilitate inclusive and participatory processes that encourage evaluative thinking amongst all stakeholders. Our consultants can conduct effective evaluations that generate clear recommendations that are practical and forward looking.